“For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” -2 Peter 1:5-8 Listen to chapter

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Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Power of Confessions

So I have been quite reflective in the last few days. So many people are hurting and anxious about their fertility and having children. Fertility treatments, doctors and clinics are springing forth everywhere in the Naija and the statistics of families TTC is on the increase. Women are mostly affected; although male factor fertility is also on the increase , but because society places a lot of responsibility on the woman, she is the first point of questioning.

I am a proponent for knowledge. By all means if you are knowledgeable about your health, your body and events happening around you the better. So I usually advice friends and people who come to my way to ask questions, strive to know and avoid doctors and people who hoard information. As a matter of fact, TTC is an integral part of life (if you aint lucky to get pregnant at the drop of an hat), and should be approached strategically, like you would an MBA. I am sure you wont pay for your MBA if the campus is a one storey brick wall in a corner somewhere unknown. So why would you go to a shack, a quack or someone who doesnt know the difference between herbs and vegetable all in a bid to get pregnant. I am not against herbal preparations, my late grandma was one you could call 'alagbo-omo" and I grew up to see women from all works of life visit our home to consult with her. I was her favourite and i know a thing or two about herbs. my take is that there are so many fakes around and one just need to be careful.

Apart from this, there is the need to know God, have a relationship with Him and build up your faith. God absolutely wants you to have a child. He said we should go and replenish the earth; multiply, breed and whatever name you wish to call it. Ps 127:1 says Children are his heritage. The only woman in Bible that remained barren was one that blasphemed against King David's act of worship. None other didn't receive their children. Rachael, Hanna, Elizabeth.

Now, hubby and I listens a lot to Pastor Poju Oyemade and in 2009/2010 he was talking so much about confessions as a form of prayer. We adopted it and wrote out a 2-page confession for the children we wanted. Morning and night we bring the confession sheets out and read it aloud, then we break bread (communion).

Today I want to share that confession with you. I have edited it incase anyone wants to use it. All you need to do is add your special request and make it your own.


  • I have received the grace and the opportunity to have great and wonderful children that will prosper in all their endeavours and make heavy and massive impact in the world
  • There is a recognition of the need of God and humanity for children that will grow up like Moses, Joshua, Deborah, Esther and the Apostles of our time and take the people of God in their generation out of the house and land of slavery and bring them to their promised land where there is milk and honey.
  • In the year 2014, God has given us children that will bring be a proof of God’s mightiness
  • In 2014, God has given us children (twins) that are growing from their childhood in the knowledge of Christ and the power of His might
  • In 2014, God has given us children that will affect, effect and infect the nations with the principles of the kingdom of God and of His Christ; that the kingdom of this world will become the kingdom of our God and of His Christ in their lives according to Rev 11:15
  • That I, (Put your name here) have become pregnant with twins (or what you want) this 2014
  • For the Lord God who did it for the women I have heard their testimonies, who by-passed all the medical barriers and limitations of the enemy to make them pregnant, the same God has done it again this 2014 which I will delivered safely after 9 months
  • For God is our only source of strength and accomplishment and with God nothing is impossible
  • The Lord God has subdued impossibility in our lives concerning this pregnancy in 2014 for possibility to the glory of His name
  • As I have delivered baby(ies) in this year 2014, they are beauty to behold, glorious in the nature of God almighty
  • These children are loved by us, their parents, by all members of our family far or near, friends all over the world and by everybody whoever see them
  • There is no corruption or defect in their bodies, skin, organ, brain, system, blood, muscle, all their makeup internally or externally
  • The child(ren) do not acquire or inherit any disease, infirmity or whatever that is not of god in their genetic formation
  • The child(ren)  are as pure and clean as baby Jesus with no defect
  • The child(ren)  are indeed beauty to behold from the crown of their head to the sole of their feet
  • The child(ren) of ours grow up exceptionally brilliant and creative following strictly the order and purpose of God all the days of their lives and putting flight to the enemies of God in any institution they find themselves.
Please praise and worship God and believe his word concerning your situation.

I am waiting for your testimonies.